Bezprocentu līzings tiek aprēķināts no produkta pilnās summas.
Mājas lapā izvietotais saturs ir informatīvs un var atšķirties no veikalā pieejamā klāsta!
- Vienreizējā konstrukcija apvieno sevī tradicionālo pumpi un CO2 katridžu izmantošanu.
- Savietojams ar 16g CO2 kartridžiem
- Katridž tiek ievietots pumpja korpusā, kas netraucē pumpi izmantot tradicionālā veidā
- Spiediena regulēšanas iespēja, kas nodrošina drošāku un ekonomiskāku CO2 pielietošanu
- Presta ventilim jāizmanto pāreja
- Uniquely designed infl ation device that combines the quick, simple operation of CO2 with the reliability of a traditional pump.
- Uses threaded 16g cartridge
- Cartridge stores inside the pump body (pump still works with stored cartridge)
- Compression release allows for controlled distribution and safe storage of unused CO2
- Thread-on Schrader head with Presta adapter
- Uniquely designed infl ation device that combines the quick, simple operation of CO2 with the reliability of a traditional pump.
- Uses threaded 16g cartridge
- Cartridge stores inside the pump body (pump still works with stored cartridge)
- Compression release allows for controlled distribution and safe storage of unused CO2
- Thread-on Schrader head with Presta adapter