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- Šīs īpašās velosipēdistu "BG Performance Pēdiņas" ir izstrādājis Dr.Endijs Prits, "Boldera Sporta Medicīnas Centra" direktors, lai uzlabotu braukšanas komfortu un biomehāniku.
- Pēdiņa samazina trūkstošos atbalsta punktus zolē, kas sastopami vairums velosipēdistu apavu, vai kad tiek izmantoti pedāļi, kuriem ir maza kontaktvirsma ar kurpi.
- Pēdiņas labāk pildīs savu funkcija, ja tiks izmantotas "Specialized Body Geometry" kurpes.
- Lai piemeklētu sev piemērotākās pēdiņas, ieskām vērsties pie speciālista. Sīkāka informācija Body Geometry Fit sadaļā.
- By standing on the Specialized Arch-O-Meter, a rider can determine the optimum level of foot contour:
- + Red = minimal contours (this is our stock body geometry footbed with longitudinal arch & metatarsal button support. Same footbed in all our performance shoes. Same footbed we have used since 2000) = for people with flat foot
- ++ Blue = moderate (slightly higher longitudinal arch & metatarsal button) = for people with flat to standard arch
- +++ Green = significant support = for people with standard or high arches
- By combining the correct contour insole with an appropriate amount of BG Shims, the rider can alter forefoot angle to optimize biomechanical foot/knee/hip alignment. Body Geometry Technology
- 2 pair +/- 1.5mm varus and 1 pair +/- 1.5mm valgus wedges included
- Using the appropriate amount of BG Shims, the rider can adjust forefoot angle to optimize biomechanical foot/knee/hip alignment.
- By standing on the Specialized Arch-O-Meter, a rider can determine the optimum level of foot contour:
- + Red = minimal contours (this is our stock body geometry footbed with longitudinal arch & metatarsal button support. Same footbed in all our performance shoes. Same footbed we have used since 2000) = for people with flat foot
- ++ Blue = moderate (slightly higher longitudinal arch & metatarsal button) = for people with flat to standard arch
- +++ Green = significant support = for people with standard or high arches
- By combining the correct contour insole with an appropriate amount of BG Shims, the rider can alter forefoot angle to optimize biomechanical foot/knee/hip alignment. Body Geometry Technology
- 2 pair +/- 1.5mm varus and 1 pair +/- 1.5mm valgus wedges included
- Using the appropriate amount of BG Shims, the rider can adjust forefoot angle to optimize biomechanical foot/knee/hip alignment.