ZZK - ICE WAX 100ml


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ICE WAX 100ml ICE WAX 100ml

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    • Sausā smērviela, kas izgatavota no dabīgā vaska īpaši piemērota sausiem laika apstākļiem. Pedros Ice Wax 2.0 smērviela ir izgatavota, lai tai būtu zema viskozitāte. Tas palīdz smērvielai iekļūt dziļākos ķēdes posmos, kas savukārt izstumj no turienes visus netīrumus. Līdzko smērviela ir nožuvusi, tā veido plānu un sausu vaska kārtiņu uz ķēdes, kas nodrošina lielisku eļļošanu un teicami atgrūž putekļus. Smērvielai laika gaitā pazūdot tā aiz sevis neatstāj nekādu pēdu, kas atvieglo ķēdes kopšanu.

    • Pedro’s natural wax dry lubricant designed for dry to mixed conditions. Pedro's Ice Wax 2.0 has been engineered with advanced chemistry to provide a low viscosity, wet, highly penetrative application that uses a unique detergent base to help push contaminants from the chain. Once dry, the wax forms a dry coating on the surfaces of the chain which provides excellent lubrication, efficiency, and wear and contamination protection.

    • Pedro’s natural wax dry lubricant designed for dry to mixed conditions. Pedro's Ice Wax 2.0 has been engineered with advanced chemistry to provide a low viscosity, wet, highly penetrative application that uses a unique detergent base to help push contaminants from the chain. Once dry, the wax forms a dry coating on the surfaces of the chain which provides excellent lubrication, efficiency, and wear and contamination protection.

ICE WAX 100ml

8.80 11.00 (-20%)
Tavs ietaupījums 2.20 Eur
... - , 2025
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