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- Patentētais Body Geometry dizains ir laboratoriski pārbaudīts, lai nodrošinātu labu asinsriti jūtīgajās vietās
- Stingrs oglekļa šķiedras korpuss ilgam mūžam un teicamam sniegumam
- Super viegli lielizmēra FACK oglekļa šķiedras sēdekļa reliņi
- Izturīgs, viegls un ūdensnecaurlaidīgs Micromatrix™ sēdekļa pārvalks
- 2. līmeņa polsterējums: Vidējs blīvums papildus mīkstumam
- Savietojams ar SWAT tehnoloģijām
- Izmērs 143mm/ Svars 205g
- Izmērs 155mm/ Svars 208g
- PIEZĪME: lielizmēra 7x9mm oglekļa šķiedras reliņi nav piemēroti sēdekļu stutēm ar sānu montāžas stiprinājumu, kas paredzēts apaļiem 7mm sēdekļu reliņiem
- PIEZĪME: 1cm īsāks par 2015. gada modeli
- Keep it low and aero without sacrificing comfort. The carbon-railed, ultra lightweight Romin EVO Pro is a high-performance road saddle that's contoured to put you in a position for optimal power transfer and comfort as you put pressure on your competition. The Body Geometry channel is designed to maximize blood flow, while the saddle allows you to maintain comfort easily, even while in a competitive, more aerodynamic position.
- Patented Body Geometry design is lab tested to assure blood flow to sensitive arteries.
- Stiff, carbon-reinforced shell for longevity and all-day riding efficiency.
- Super-light, PU padding for comfort and support on longer rides.
- Ultra-light and strong, oversized FACT™ carbon rails.
- Tough, lightweight, water resistant Micromatrix™ cover.
- Level 2 padding: Medium density foam for bike feel with additional cushioning.
- SWAT compatible mounts molded into the saddle base allow for sleek and integrated storage solutions.
- Size 143mm / Weight 205g
- Size 155mm / Weight 208g
- Size 168mm / Weight TBD
- NOTE: Oversized 7x9mm carbon rails are not compatible with seatposts equipped with side-load clamp mechanisms for 7mm round rails.
- NOTE: 1cm shorter than 2015 model.
- Keep it low and aero without sacrificing comfort. The carbon-railed, ultra lightweight Romin EVO Pro is a high-performance road saddle that's contoured to put you in a position for optimal power transfer and comfort as you put pressure on your competition. The Body Geometry channel is designed to maximize blood flow, while the saddle allows you to maintain comfort easily, even while in a competitive, more aerodynamic position.
- Patented Body Geometry design is lab tested to assure blood flow to sensitive arteries.
- Stiff, carbon-reinforced shell for longevity and all-day riding efficiency.
- Super-light, PU padding for comfort and support on longer rides.
- Ultra-light and strong, oversized FACT™ carbon rails.
- Tough, lightweight, water resistant Micromatrix™ cover.
- Level 2 padding: Medium density foam for bike feel with additional cushioning.
- SWAT compatible mounts molded into the saddle base allow for sleek and integrated storage solutions.
- Size 143mm / Weight 205g
- Size 155mm / Weight 208g
- Size 168mm / Weight TBD
- NOTE: Oversized 7x9mm carbon rails are not compatible with seatposts equipped with side-load clamp mechanisms for 7mm round rails.
- NOTE: 1cm shorter than 2015 model.