Bezprocentu līzings tiek aprēķināts no produkta pilnās summas.
Mājas lapā izvietotais saturs ir informatīvs un var atšķirties no veikalā pieejamā klāsta!
- Ideāli piemēroti apavi velo tūrismam vai izklaides braucieniem.
- Trail Traction gumijas ārējā zole ar cietāko vidus zoli nodrošina efektīvu pedāļu mīšanu, bet ir pietiekami mīkstas staigāšanai.
- Body Geometry mīkstās pēdiņas precīzai spēka pārnešanai minoties, bet uzlabotam komfortam staigājot.
- Zamšādas apavu apvalks ar ventilācijas atverēm labākai gaisa cirkulācijai.
- Augšējā noslēdzošā siksna drošai apavu fiksācijai un kurpju šņoru pasargāšanai no ķēdes un zobratiem.
- 2 skrūvju SPD klipšu standarts.
- Aptuvenais svars: 500g
- When it’s a hike and bike day, the Tahoe MTB is comfortable, durable, and ready for the trail.
- Trail Traction rubber outsole combined with our midsole plate, which is tuned for efficient cycling, but flexible enough for walking: 3.0 stiffness index.
- Our most padded Body Geometry plush insole for on-the-bike support and off-the-bike comfort.
- Suede leather upper with breathable mesh panels.
- Top strap for secure closure also keeps laces safely out of chainrings.
- 2-bolt SPD-style cleat pattern, compatible with all major MTB pedals.
- Approximate weight: 500g (1/2 pair #42)
- When it’s a hike and bike day, the Tahoe MTB is comfortable, durable, and ready for the trail.
- Trail Traction rubber outsole combined with our midsole plate, which is tuned for efficient cycling, but flexible enough for walking: 3.0 stiffness index.
- Our most padded Body Geometry plush insole for on-the-bike support and off-the-bike comfort.
- Suede leather upper with breathable mesh panels.
- Top strap for secure closure also keeps laces safely out of chainrings.
- 2-bolt SPD-style cleat pattern, compatible with all major MTB pedals.
- Approximate weight: 500g (1/2 pair #42)